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Ten games that make you think about life

Games might not yet be recognized as art but they are increasingly being used to explore the kind of deep themes that were previously the preserve of artists and philosophers.

At the start of this year, we decided to come up with a list of Flash casual games with a philosophical bent. To be honest, we struggled. After days of research, we could only find a handful of games that had the thought-provoking depth we were looking for. Our list (which you can view by clicking here) was therefore only five games long.

Published by Tasha on 19th July 2010

Top 30 Online Tower Defense Games

Tower defense games are among the most addictive games around, and we have 30 of the best of them for you to play.

Every so often someone comes up with a game that is so new and innovative that everyone starts copying it and as a result a whole new genre of games is spawned. That is what has happened with tower defense games. Not so long ago, there was no such thing as a tower defense game. Then in 2007, David Scott released Flash Element Tower Defense. The game proved a hit and in almost no time other developers were mimicking the game play that Scott had pioneered.

Published by Alex Kearns on 16th March 2010


ImmorTall is a beautiful, emotionally moving game that makes you ponder on the nature of life.

If you are expecting some mindless entertainment from today's Game of the Day - perhaps whacking hedgehogs into outer space, or lobotomising zombies with an AK47, or maybe just shooting up aliens - then, I am afraid, you are going to be disappointed. For today's Game of the Day cannot in any way be described as an action game (although it does have some action in it).

Published by Tasha on 11th March 2010

Home Sheep Home

Home Sheep Home is proof that casual games based on films or TV shows need not be shoddy rip-offs of existing genres.

Not so long ago, video games inspired by films or TV shows had a very bad reputation. They were usually just shameless attempts to cash in on the brand, rarely offering interesting game play or cutting edge graphics. Most seasoned game players didn't even consider buying them. That, however, was before the release of Ghostbusters: The Video Game and Batman: Arkham Asylum in 2009.

Published by Tasha on 9th March 2010

Top 25 online Defend your Castle games

We've scoured the internet and found what we think are the best defend your castle games you can play for free on the web.

Defend-your-castle games are among the most addictive casual games around. The concept is simple. You are the defender of a castle (sometimes it is a base, or a home or even a pub) under attack from an onslaught of enemies. The enemies are usually soliders, zombies or monsters (though they can also be bunnies, for some reason). Your task is to fight them off using any means at your disposal (rocks, bows and arrows, guns, cannon and, in one case, potatoes).

Published by Alex Kearns on 8th March 2010

Potion Panic 2

Potion Panic 2 is an unusual but effective take on the defend-your-castle game genre.

I have played loads of defend-your-castle style of games. You know, where your castle (sometimes it is your home) is under attack by hordes of nasty things, usually zombies, monsters of some kind or enemy soldiers, and you have lob rocks at them (or shoot them, or fire arrows at them, etc, etc) to prevent them breaking in and killing you.

Published by Alex Kearns on 4th March 2010

Top 10 most relaxing online casual games

Some games aim to soothe and calm your nerves rather than get your heart pounding like crazy with non-stop action.

Gaming need not be all white-knuckle adrenaline-buzzing action. Games can also soothe and relax, providing the perfect come-down after a frantic day at the office. Think games like Endless Ocean on the Wii and Flower on the PS3. But you don't need a console to get your fix of gaming serenity. There are plenty of cool relaxing games you can play online for free. So take a few deep breaths, put aside all stressful thoughts and settle down to some tranquil fun with Casual Girl Gamer's Top 10 most relaxing online games.

Published by Tasha on 27th February 2010

One button Bob

You don't need fancy controllers or joysticks to have fun with games, as One Button Bob - a game that requires just one button - amply proves.

One could be forgiven for thinking that a game needing just one button to play would be so limited as to be boring. Not so, if One Button Bob - an inventive new platform-style game that can be played for free in your browser - is anything to go by. While some games (Street Fighter, for example) force players to learn complicated combinations of button presses, the developers of One Button Bob have distilled the game play into the press of a single button (the left button of your mouse).

Published by Tasha on 25th February 2010

Fat Slice

Slice up shapes without letting the balls escape in this wickedly addictive puzzle game.

The best ideas always sound so obvious when you first hear of them. Suitcases with wheels. Pre-sliced bread. A status updating service limited to 140 characters. Why didn't I think of any of them. They're so simple.

Published by Tasha on 24th February 2010

Civilisations War

Civilisations War is a beautifully designed new strategy game that achieves the perfect balance between ease-of-play and depth.

Many strategy games fall into the trap of being too complicated. Players are presented with so many options - often through impenetrable menu trees - that they suffer information overload and simply give up. Other games make the opposite mistake: stripping away all complexity in an effort to make the game accessible to everyone. The result is an easy-to-play game but one which lacks replayability.

Published by Alex Kearns on 23rd February 2010
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Game reviews

  • Lume

    State of Play's new puzzle adventure title Lume might be made out of cardboard cutouts but it is in no way a one-dimensional game.

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  • The Tiny Bang Story

    Beautiful hand-drawn graphics, nicely balanced and creative puzzles and a great sound track, The Tiny Bang Story delivers on all fronts.

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  • Castaway 2

    Robinson Crusoe had it lucky. He was only stranded on a desert island once. Things are not so easy for the hero of RPG adventure game series Castaway.

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  • ClubWorld

    If the idea of running your own nightclub gets you excited, then Tapulous's latest iOS game might have you dancing around with joy.

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  • Insectonator

    If the only good bug is a dead one, then you will be doing one helluva lot of good work in this cheery insect massacring game.

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  • Top 10 Reaction Games

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  • Top 30 Online Tower Defense Games

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Developer spotlights

  • Jake Elliott

    You won't find any resource-management or mindless slash and dash games in Jake Elliott's portfolio. What you will find are thought-provoking games that encourage you to ponder on the human experience.

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  • Con Artist Games

    Chris Condon of Con Artist Games has a reputation for developing some of the most polished games on the web. Casual Girl Gamer speaks to him about his gaming philosophy.

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  • Gregory Weir

    By combining great story-telling with imaginative game worlds, Gregory Weir has created some of the most thought-provoking games on the internet.

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  • John Cooney

    Armor Games' head of game development John Cooney - or jmtb02, as he is better known - is one of the most prolific and imaginative game developers around.

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  • Evan Miller

    In ImmorTall, indie developer Evan Miller created one of the most emotionally moving games to grace the internet. We speak to him about his gaming philosophy and plans for the future.

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  • Mateusz Skutnik

    Mateusz Skutnik is a rarity: a gifted artist who is also a skilled coder. He is responsible for some of the most beautiful casual games on the web.

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