A blog about casual gaming

Finwick, Baby v Spider, Go Go

Finwick, Baby v Spider, Go Go

In the first of a new weekly column, we share with you the best new casual games that came out over the last seven days.

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Published by Tasha on 19th February 2010

I sometimes wonder if casual game developers ever sleep - such is the surfeit of new games flooding the internet every week. We're not talking about a handlful of new games, here. But literally hundreds. Certainly, there are far too many for most people to keep up with.

But, if the idea of missing out on a new gaming experience causes you great upset, don't fret. From today, Casual Girl Gamer will do all the hard work for you of sifting through the hundreds of new games to uncover the gems. Every Friday, we will share with you the best new casual games to have come out over the past seven days.

Subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter and we will remind you whenever we publish new content, ensuring that you never miss out on the best new casual games. Without further adieu, our Games of the Week.


Finwick is a beautiful platform adventure game that has just been released by Jackson Lewis. It is also the name of the central character in the game. Finwick, the character, is a rookie postman learning the ropes. He is set all sorts of platform-style puzzles to solve in order to get the post delivered on time. Not only that, there are some fearsome monsters along the way.

But in this game it is not just the postman's arch nemesis - the crazed dog - that is out to get him. But a whole series of nasty creatures that want nothing more than to sink their teeth, claws and heaven knows what else into our postie's soft flesh. Thankfully, Finwick is no weakling himself. In addition to the standard powers offered to most platform game heroes - jumping (space), running (arrow keys) etc - he is gifted with a unique stomping ability that allows him to crush his foes beneath his feet and also - in a nice touch - dislodge bits of the environment.

Finwick is also a bit of a dab hand at Tarzan-esque rope swinging, which comes in helpful when trying to traverse wide gaps between buildings. This game oozes quality in both its graphics and game play, which probably explains why you will have to pay for the full game. However, the demo comes with three huge levels for free, and they offer some of the best platform fun I've ever experienced. Play Finwick here.

If you are a fan of platform games, you might want to check out our guide to The Top 25 Browser Platformers.

2Baby v Spiders

This game tugs at my emotions in two diametrically opposed ways. On the one hand, the cute baby whose part you play brings out my maternal instinct, making me want to protect and coo-coo at this vulnerable machine-gun-toting tot (now that is a phrase you don't see too often). On the other hand, the multitude of spiders that scuttle around the entire game fill me with utter terror.

There can't be anything worse than seeing your toddler crawling with spiders, and you will go to any lengths to ensure that does not happens. It is unsual for a game to put you so in touch with the central character. But in this game you literally feel the toddler's terror as he is inundated by creepy crawlies, you share his pain when he is bitten and as you progress further you begin to take immense satisfaction in sending every spider to its death.

Be warned, this is not an easy game. The spiders are many, and there is only one of you, and you are not even yet out of nappies. But make sure to collect all the gold coins, and you will soon be able to purchase an arsenal of weapons - from machine gun to flame thrower - that will be more than a match for the arachnids. Baby v Spiders is best played on your own with the lights out. Play it here.

3Go Go Adventure

I am not entirely sure why but platform games seem to be undergoing a revival of late. There have been a spate of brilliant platformer's recently. Think Braid and Shadow Complex on the consoles, and Finwick (above) in the casual gaming space. Yet another great new platformer is Go Go Adventure.

The unique thing about this game is that the game world is not flat and perpandicular, as is usually the case in platformers, but circular. As you move, the world rotates beneath you. It is a bit odd to begin with but you soon begin to enjoy it. This gives the game a really fresh feel.

The game is also blessed with tons of puzzles, steadily increasing in difficulty as you progress through the different levels. Your task on each level is to obain a key. But getting the key can require some lateral thinking. Go Go Adventure can be played here. Arrow keys to move. Right click to jump.

Please tell us what you think about these games in the comments section below.

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