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Top 10 most relaxing online casual games

Top 10 most relaxing online casual games

Some games aim to soothe and calm your nerves rather than get your heart pounding like crazy with non-stop action.

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Published by Tasha on 27th February 2010

Gaming need not be all white-knuckle adrenaline-buzzing action. Games can also soothe and relax, providing the perfect come-down after a frantic day at the office. Think games like Endless Ocean on the Wii and Flower on the PS3. But you don't need a console to get your fix of gaming serenity. There are plenty of cool relaxing games you can play online for free. So take a few deep breaths, put aside all stressful thoughts and settle down to some tranquil fun with Casual Girl Gamer's Top 10 most relaxing online games.

1Music Catch

When ever things start getting to me - whether it be looming deadlines at work, an aggressive boss or horrible events taking place in the world - there is one game I turn to. Magically, after a few minutes play, all my worries fade away and I feel relaxed and revived and full of new optimism.

No, the game is not called Heroin. The game is Music Catch, a fun puzzle game where you collect yellow and purple music notes while avoiding the nasty red notes, accompanied the whole time by some of the best music I have heard in a Flash game. Simply brilliant. If more people played Music Catch, I am certain there would be less bad in the world. Play the game here.


Created by Jenova Chen as part of his university thesis, flOw is a unique evolution simulator, in which you guide a creature from its first days of life, helping it to find food, fighting off predators and exploring the world. The game's simple graphics, great sound and intuitively simple controls make for some great, serene game play.

flOw is one of only a handful of games to have made it from the indie Flash scene to a full console product. The Playstation version of the game was launched in 2007 and has been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. The flash version of the game is very good and can be played here.

A similar game, clearly inspired by flOw, is Ef the Game. It can be played here.


Ferry Halim is one of the most inventive game developers around at the moment. He makes beautiful, quirky games that blur the distinction between gaming and art. I love all his games but if I had to choose one as my favourite it would have to be Drift. You are a rabbit frolicking in a sunny meadow. Coloured balloons drift lazily by in the warm breeze. Jump between the balloons to earn points. Relaxing, fun game-play and inspired pastel graphics will soon have you in a pleasurable trance. You can play Drift here.

4Echo Genesis

I have only recently come across game developer Bell Brothers and, I have to say, I am mightily impressed by their work. Echo Genesis is one of their earlier games but it is typical of their innovative approach. Indeed, one could argue that this is more interactive art installation than game. You wander around an imaginary land, interacting with the varied fauna and flora and exploring new places. There are no objectives as such. Simply look, touch and move at your own pace. Play Echo Genesis here.

5Fishing Girl

In real life, fishing is one of the most relaxing pursuits you can find. But most fishing games I've played have been more frustrating than enjoyable, thanks to complicated and unpredictable controls. Not Fishing Girl, however. The game could not be easier to play. A quick click of your mouse extends your line. And then you dwell on the meaning of life while the fish think about taking the bait. If you like to play games at your own pace, Fishing Girl may be perfect for you. You can play the game here.


If you like your games to entrance you with great music, beautiful graphics and wickedly intelligent puzzles, then you should check out Auditorium. One of the most beautiful games around, Auditorium challenges you to manipulate the flow of light to illuminate a series of sensors. You are helped in your task by tools that allow you to bend and split the light beams. You will have to pay to play the full game but the demo we link to offers a good few hours of relaxation. Auditorium can be played here.


We could quite easily have filled this list exclusively with games by Ferry Halim. In this original game, Ferry puts you in charge of the wind. Your task is to catch flowers in a basket attached to a balloon by blowing the balloon to the flowers. A simple idea brilliantly executed. Play High here.

8Flower Reaction

Flower Reaction may not be the first game to feature this chain-reaction style of game play (Boomshine did it long before) but it is certainly one of the prettiest examples in the genre. Combine that with some serene classical music and you have a seriously relaxing and addictive game. Flower Reaction can be played here.

9Loops of zen

I have a confession. I've not shared this in public before. Until very recently, I was addicted to Loops of Zen. Not addicted as in "I quite liked playing the game" but in "I spent every spare moment playing it". One of the reasons my husband set up this blog for me was that it might distract me from playing this game. It didn't work. Loops of Zen is a serene puzzle game where you manipulate shapes to make sure there are no jagged ends. If you are prone to addiction, be warned, don't click on this link to the game.


Another Ferry Halim brilliancy featuring a cute rabbit. In Bells, your challenge is to get the bunny to ascend as high as possible by leaping on Christmas bells. The central idea of the game is nothing new but the cute graphics, simple and intuitive controls and soothing music make Bells a memorable and rewarding experience. Bells can be played here.

If you can think of any more great relaxing games, please share them with us in the comments section below.

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Lost in Time: The Clockwork Tower

Lost in Time: The Clockwork Tower

Time grinds to a halt when the town’s Clockwork Tower is disrupted. Manipulate time to save the village from its frozen state in this exciting Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game. Explore the city and discover what makes this town so unique. Dive into the world of Lost in Time – The Clockwork Tower and fix the Clockwork Tower before the city is ruined forever!

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Published by mya on 19th June 2015
Try playing these games with a session of chillstep. Chillstep is a great type of peaceful music
Published by delaney on 16th July 2014
it is very relaxing i wonder how they come up with these games?
Published by Michelle on 5th July 2014
Number one is gone now
Published by teal dotty reindeer on 11th June 2014
say no more as you become relaxed your sences will relax you will fell like you want to go to sleep !!!!!!!!!!! ??????????? by Teal Dotty Reindeer.
Published by maisie on 11th June 2014
these are the most relaxing games i've ever seen there so relaxing i could fall asleep must try 5 star all of them well most of them some 4 star
Published by Annonymous on 27th May 2014
What a great list! Could you update the links for future readers?
Published by one direction on 24th May 2014
these games are so awesome I all ways play them . my favorite game is number five its awesome which one of these do you like we all love number three I hope you all come and see are concert in July it will be so amazing you will get wiped off your feet
Published by maya on 24th May 2014
Published by niks on 23rd May 2014
Flow is cool :)
Published by michael jackson on 10th May 2014
i like each and every game but these games are really wonderfull,awesome,and unbelievable i have spent 1 year with out food and water by playing these games this is the last day last second and last minute 12;23;45 day:may 10th thanks for the people who had invented these games from i don't knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?!&^%$
Published by Eva79 on 4th April 2014
I like Aubergine Sky by Jon Whiting :) http://jonathanwhiting.com/coding/auberginesky/
Published by internet on 31st March 2014
it is not a game but it does let you make your own flyer and if you click on class you can make a book report it is a good website
Published by lily on 31st March 2014
i meant abcya.com
Published by lily on 31st March 2014
it is fun and educational and the kids just love it but sometimes it does go a little slow
Published by Dora Games on 23rd March 2014
This is a useful guide. However, I wish you had started with infant gifts. I have had a terrible time buying items for my granddaughter that aren’t a) pink and/or b) ridiculous. And please don’t get me started on why every single piece of boy’s clothing seems to have a sports-related design. Why on earth are baby toys gender-specific?
Published by Ryan Whalen on 14th March 2014
jack smith is a cool game!
Published by Dixie Normas on 22nd February 2014
loved playing most
Published by Jessie on 4th February 2014
There was one called cosmik fozmik on newgrounds for a while. you are a little pulsing caterpillar thing, who pulses along with the music, avoiding the objects in your path. fun lil up down style game
Published by Atlantic_Specific on 8th January 2014
Vector Park is a series of interactive environments to explore. Like Echo Genesis, there's no real objective except to click on different things to see what happens. The sounds and images create a great relaxing atmosphere. http://vectorpark.com/
Published by Lady Deadpool on 26th December 2013
Ah I knew fishing girl would be here. Such a great game.
Published by Baby Bunny Jay on 17th November 2013
I love drift. Thank you for helping me calm down after being butthurt on battlefield
Published by Joanne on 12th November 2013
omg these are awesome games... i am at home sick with the flu and this totally made my day. thank you person i dont know and forever wear a mustache.
Published by so on 18th October 2013
also william and sly 2 , very godd relaxing game
Published by adam on 5th September 2013
nice list; I'd have to say I tend to agree with you when it comes to fishing games; the best fishing game I have played was one with a rod-like controller, then agaom my favorite is the mini-game for dark-cloud, which even without the fishing is a great ps2 game. not always relaxing; but some of the music is definitely worth playing the game for
Published by kniwx on 3rd July 2013
this a really a cool collection good work man
Published by brandon on 29th May 2013
So are we gonna leave out "Minecraft"? That's like the most ultamate relaxing game I have ever played. With the acception of 'Moh jong' ofcourse.
Published by sigh221 on 11th May 2013
Published by jaeli on 11th May 2013
me too i hate drift and fishing girl
Published by jaeli on 11th May 2013
i love the game flow
Published by Llama on 5th May 2013
I am a Llama
Published by A. Nonymous on 3rd May 2013
I hate Drift and Fishing Girl.
Published by POO on 21st April 2013
Published by WgNOOb on 18th April 2013
extravagant day and lovely games.
Published by chlobu on 13th April 2013
not my type i need to relax but flipin nothings working!! any suggestions??
Published by pisin patel on 12th April 2013
The flower reacion and high are so likeagle. -pisin patel
Published by priyanka kothpatel on 12th April 2013
super games. I like them very much.I wanna to play more games like this
Published by LaShonna Nixon on 27th March 2013
Now Maddox, I do not want to get into her personal bueiness an I'm not quite proud of your choice of words about the whole thing. All I need is a person who agree's with me, KINDLY to EVERYONE.
Published by LaShonna Nixon on 27th March 2013
Excuse me Grace Poo, I do not think the maker of this blog would appreciate your rude choice of words. You discuste me very much and tend to think very bad thoughts about you. You had no reason to post that and a suggest you apologize. Not only to thr owner of this blog, but the poor vitums that were affected by that.This blog is meant for fun an tranqulity, not for lonely teenagers "expressing" themselves. Call me "over-reacting" but I just feel that their is NEVER a reason for that kind of language EVER!
Published by Kazairea McShire on 27th March 2013
I LOVE your very wonderful choices in calm realaxing games. I felt a lot of tranquility and I felt as if I was in my own calm realaxing, peaceful world. Pleanty of Thanks and Wishes on Sucess on Your Blog, Kazairea McShire
Published by Daisy on 19th March 2013
I have never played Bells before but I am probably going too soon.
Published by Martin Rankin on 26th February 2013
Hi Tasha, Nicely said, at times it is very important to play calm and relaxing games rather than going for in action and violence oriented games. These games provide relief and reduce your stress. I also do the same when I have a stressful day, for a change. I would also like to mention some great games to de-stress which I played at http://www.bgames.com like Amusix violin Bob’s balloons, Choco Romance Today, Little Fashion Designer etc.
Published by Nels on 24th January 2013
Bells was really fun!!!!
Published by TM2015 on 26th December 2012
I like the independently created point and click game Trauma. The game is really well done and once you get the pattern, it's super easy to get into the flow of the plotline. Plus there are many possible endings so the replay value is good. :) http://traumagame.com I came across the game through Cipher Prime's article about point-and-click games after I played a demo of Auditorium.
Published by maru on 19th December 2012
Flur should be #1 and it's not even here. sinful. T n T
Published by Lily on 2nd December 2012
The second game reminded me of the first stage in the game Spore
Published by Della on 14th July 2012
What a WONDERFUL list! I was a bit skeptic at first, but these games are really good. I've only tried the first two but they do relax your mind, hehehe. Thanks for the awesome list! :*
Published by Fiona on 26th June 2012
Published by Fiona on 26th June 2012
This game has super relaxing music and sounds :)
Published by joe on 14th June 2012
i like this games i pleyed this By By Have a funn
Published by bleh on 13th June 2012
Auditorium is NOT relaxing. it was frustrating as the level go up. :P Like your choices though.
Published by Laura on 10th June 2012
my favorite relaxing game is called take a walk the art is beautiful and the music is amazing
Published by blergy blerg on 9th May 2012
the game "coma" is INCREDIBLE -- it makes you think but the graphics are absolutely beautiful. here's the website of the creator: http://www.atmosgames.com/ (i haven't tried "skinny" but may do that right now...)
Published by cassandra on 2nd May 2012
awesome games! love it!
Published by Alina on 27th March 2012
All the cites I go to-Music catch either has sound problems or the line goes on forever. What is this? PLEASE HELP!!!I LOVE THE GAME!!! :DDDD
Published by Shyella Sanjay on 12th March 2012
Boomshine and genre and this me cartoon games.
Published by Alyssa on 14th January 2012
I know a great game to play right before bed. go here: http://www.soundsleeping.com/relaxing_games.php
Published by tyyjhyj on 18th December 2011
these games are so relaxing exept loops of zen
Published by Roborelax on 15th December 2011
Great choices. The aesthetic and artwork in these games are really beautiful and the atmosphere is veryr elaxing.
Published by Jahnae. im 11 years old on 9th November 2011
Its a relaxing and fun you create an avater and decor you condo! teens adults can play
Published by sue hill on 1st September 2011
there used to be a game , a ball popping chain reaction game gthat made music as the balls popped . i loved it . its NOT boomshine , but almost EXACTLY like it . can you help me please ?
Published by Rick Nordal on 31st July 2011
Thanks for providing links to the 10 casual games. I really like ' Loops Of Zen ' and ' Bells '.
Published by hoshang on 25th July 2011
Thank you so much for sharing these links... i m enjoying every moment playing these games..
Published by Pounddotblam on 16th July 2011
You guys need to check a simple game called EON on Newgrounds... it is very relaxing
Published by amy on 10th July 2011
i agrre with bella ikrha
Published by ikrha on 10th July 2011
go on good lief by onerebulic
Published by Bella on 16th June 2011
I love the animations...espicailly the bunnies! :P
Published by Bella on 16th June 2011
This is such an awesome sight... once I play one game i am so relaxed i can pretty much fall asleep! Thanks girls!
Published by Me on 13th June 2011
What's with all the girls? I mean. I'm a guy.
Published by clairegerm on 12th May 2011
Girl, these are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. I have a smile from ear to ear. It's a good thing you're the first link that pops up when googleing "relaxing game" <3
Published by rebecca on 26th March 2011
these games are good you should play STARSHINE aswell. that calms me down the most.
Published by sara on 20th February 2011
i really enjoyed flower reaction, it work really well!! :)
Published by Emdog on 15th February 2011
The game cheerleader is fun and relaxing too you should try that game.
Published by BujjiBangaram on 21st January 2011
Hey, jus simply loved each one of these games ! Lurrrrved the Music Catch ! :)
Published by MC on 12th January 2011
I just loved flow after a hard day... it just gets ur mind off of everything
Published by katherine on 12th January 2011
hi tan
Published by DB on 28th December 2010
Thank you for the list of games. They helped me a lot to relax after work. Very much appreciated. DB
Published by lifemare on 27th December 2010
@Serene I'm guessing you're a teenager with a lot of free time and nothing better to do with the money you don't earn, to have the arrogance to call WoW the only "real" game out there. There's a whole universe of games out there you seem to be completely unaware of, wich is understandable given that WoW is much more of a career (i'd say mindless cult) than an actual game. I've been playing games since Pong, and it just makes me furious to hear proudly ignorant people talk of WoW like it's the only game ever made. Most people don't have the time or will or even find any pleasure in an "immersive" MMO game with an RPG gameplay so overdone it's disgusting and graphics so artless that it's boring and would rather find a "casual" indie game to have some fun for a couple of hours. In my case, i've been so disappointed so many times by the mainstream million-dollar gaming industry lack of inovation an the bandwagon investment in nothing but "better graphics" that for the last few years i've been happily playing nothing more than indie casual games and finding very often that's where all the creativity is hiding out.
Published by Serene on 23rd December 2010
You girls should try some "real" computer games! World Of Warcraft is nerdy - yes, but loads of fun... There's a whole industry that's devoted to give the best entertainment possible etc. Why should girls restrain themselves to free online games whilst the boys can pay monthly fees for theirs. Try some "real" games out and you'll be astonished :D :D It's like a comparison between cartoon clips on youtube and novies like Titanic, Avatar and such :o
Published by online games on 14th November 2010
Music Catch is game that I lost countless hours playing it. There is nothing better than come home from hard day at work and just relax, play it and forget about everything.
Published by Florian on 3rd November 2010
I think .Ascend is one of the most relaxing game on iphone (the music is very poetic and the graphics are beautiful :) A must have
Published by AliBee on 1st November 2010
This is a great top 10! Stumbled across your blog and it's nice to see a different take on a games site! Brilliant! :)
Published by CH on 16th October 2010
isketch.net amazingly addictive, online pictionary
Published by Bravo on 21st September 2010
This post wins the internet.
Published by Casual Girl Gamer on 13th September 2010
@Haleema Try Waterfall 2 - it is a fun relaxing game. Click this link to play it: http://www.kongregate.com/games/moonmana/waterfalls-2
Published by haleema on 13th September 2010
gaames are best and lovely i like them v.v.vmuch. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease give me answer
Published by haleema on 13th September 2010
that is awsome!i need some more sleepy games
Published by uknowwho on 21st August 2010
they're really nice games :D, games like without stress...
Published by Casual Girl Gamer on 9th August 2010
@Liv, Christina, Eleison, Hayward and Lauren. I am glad you have all enjoyed the games. Thanks for visiting the site and commenting.
Published by Liv on 8th August 2010
Thx so much! i loved all these games, epecially the first and the fishing one.
Published by christina on 26th July 2010
Loved your post!
Published by Lauren on 11th June 2010
There is a highly relaxing game here called spa day. You are in charge of a spa and it is really fun! You should play it some day!
Published by Eleison on 5th June 2010
Thank you! Awesome page, you are great
Published by Hayward on 6th March 2010
One to add to the list.. Boomshine (http://www.k2xl.com/games/boomshine/)
Published by Casual Girl Gamer on 5th March 2010
@Alastair, always happy to be of assistance!
Published by alastair on 4th March 2010
some great games there, you have helped me waste many hours

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