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One eye, one button, one to try. Don't miss probably the best one-button dungeon crawler ever made.

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Published by Andy Jowett on 18th November 2010

As the lucky readers of this esteemed blog will know by thanks to Tasha's splendid top ten, there's plenty of good gaming fun to be had with just one button. Indeed, as One Button Bob and the baffling yet addictive Poto and Cabenga have demonstrated, there is a mind-boggling array of things you can do with just that single control approach - jump, fly, fight, sprint, squish, climb, tap dance...well, maybe not the last one. Not yet, anyway.

The latest mono-button blockbuster is Glorg - a dungeon crawler like no other, says Swedish game studio Grapefrukt.

Glorg game review, Casual Girl Gamer
Glorg game review

The cute graphics perfectly match the simplicity of the game-play.

Our mono-browed, cycloptic, purple hero finds himself deep in the bowels of the kind of place where devices of torture are employed by very unsympathetic gentlemen. Fortunately, as games have taught us, dungeon owners are notoriously careless when it comes to leaving weapons and cash lying around their high security holding pens. So off you go, searching for the surface - and freedom!

The control system, such as it is, means you don't actually direct the exploration. Holding the left button sees Glorg shuffle from chamber to chamber, but you can't decide where he goes and can end up retracing your steps to find that one empty area - but at least he looks good moonwalking backwards to almost the start.

Once you arrive in a 'dark' part of the dungeon, you can explore away, finding the aforementioned cash and weapons, as well as health packs.

Glorg game review, Casual Girl Gamer
Glorg game review

You gain fearsome (!?) new weapons as you progress.

Again, the one-button control means there's no messing about with inventory screens. When you find one of what is, it has to be said, a splendidly inventive and varied range of tools for doing away with the bad guys, you will automatically be set up with the item that will give you most bang for your buck.

Weapons come in many shapes and sizes - from, as they say, the sublime (Samurai sword? Oh aye) to the ridiculous (a Q-tip, a green plastic digging instrumentî and a basket of eggs...huh?!) and on to the downright psychopathic, like a broken bottle.

When it comes to putting these various implements to use, there's a little bit more leeway in the controls - a quick click will dish out a swift swipe, holding the mouse button for longer will build up an almighty wallop which, if it connects, could leave your enemy momentarily defenceless and dazed, complete with cartoon-style tweeting birdie sounds.

The combat takes place in real time, so you need your wits about you, although if there's more than one bad guy to deal with, they will politely queue up to take you on rather than rushing in mob-handed. How terribly sporting.

Glorg game review, Casual Girl Gamer
Glorg game review

There might only be one button but there is an awful lot you can do with it.

It has to be said, the controls can become a bit of burden in battle, with the green hint bubble that accompanies you everywhere you go flicking between blocking, attacking and charging (I still haven't work out pulling off that last one). This can leave you blocking when you want to be hacking and swinging like a berzerker when you should be covering up.

Getting to grips with combat is highly worthwhile though because for one, you won't get anywhere in dungeon break-outs unless you're prepared to crack some skulls and for another, you occasionally get a bit of extra treasure for your wallet. Although I've no idea where you keep that.

Plus, tackling one of the many enemies on offer here presents a unique and entertaining challenge. Not wishing to give too much away, I'll simply say you end up engaged in a deadly game of Pong. Using rocks.

Glorg game review, Casual Girl Gamer
Glorg game review

There are loads of dungeons to explore.

As you advance, the different weapons and bad guys have enough character and variation to keep prevent the action from descending into samey RPG slashing and hacking. Plus, in a nice touch, you can use your gold coins to buy yourself handy little portals that will allow you to skip the early levels should you come a cropper.

Add in the dreamy music, the quirky design and the knowing approach of this game and you've got a one-button wonder worthy of some extensive exploration. Get your Glorg on here.

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