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Best of the web

Best of the web

While you sleep, we scour the web for the best gaming stories and share them with you here in our new 'Best of the Web' column.

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Published by Tasha on 26th January 2011

Welcome to what we hope will become a regular column on Casual Girl Gamer. In Best of Web, we aim to share with you the gaming stories and links that have piqued our interest over the previous week. This inaugural issue includes a flick through the portfolio of a game studio with a great artistic style, coverage of a fantastic retro RPG game for the XBox and the launch of new competition to uncover the best HTML5 games.

We also highlight a project that has remade one of 2010's best art games from a female perspective. Oh and we also point you in the direction of one of our favourite blogs for finding out the best new indie games. If you love gaming, then we hope you will love these links.

IndieGames Weblog

When we are not playing games or writing about them on Casual Girl Gamer, we are often to be found checking out the latest indie game titles showcased on this fantastic blog. The IndieGames Weblog is arguably the best indie games news site around. It focuses largely on downloadable games but many of these can be played for free and occasionally it will also highlight free browser games too. It is via the IndieGames Weblog that we have found out about great indie titles like Nightsky (pictured above) and Desktop Dungeons. Once you have finished here, go pay them a visit.

Mozilla HTML 5 competition

Being incorrigible geeks, we at Casual Girl Gamer are always excited by new technologies, and the technology that has been getting our pulses racing the most recently is HTML5. This technology has the potential to make it far easier for people to create browser games, and that can only be a good thing. In September last year, we published a list of the 30 best HTML5 games. Since then, game developers have been using the technology in ever more wonderful ways, as impressive games like Tank World (pictured) prove.

The future of HTML5 gaming looks even stronger now that heavyweights like browser company Mozilla have lent their support to it. Mozilla is currently running what it describes as the first international competition for games built using open source technologies like HTML5. You can check out and vote on the entries to the competition here.

Every Day the Same Dream

Last year, edgy game developer Molle Industria released a thoughtful little game called Every Day the Same Dream. The game - which explores the theme of work through the life of the male protagonist - made it onto our list of ten games that make you think about life.

We are obviously not the only ones who were intrigued by the game, because a group of developers have recreated the game multiple times, replacing the male hero of the original game with a female. Check out the results here.

Cthulhu Saves the World

DIYGamer is another cool indie gaming blog where we have been spending far more time than we should. It is at the recommendation of this site that we bought XBox indie RPG Cthulhu Saves the World by Zeboyd Games. If you have an XBox, you can't go wrong with this game, especially if you are a fan of the 8-bit adventure games of the 1990s. The game only costs a dollar and offers several hours of adventuring.

Before purchasing, we recommend you read DIYGamer's great coverage of the game here and here, and also an interview with the game's developer Robert Boyd here.

Extropia Games

There is nothing I love more than coming across a cool gaming company I'd not heard of before, especially when they are creating really interesting games. One company that was recently brought to my attention is Extropia Games, which makes fun casual-style iPhone and browser games. What impressed me most about the company was the unique art style it brings to its projects. Really interesting and beautiful.

You can check out the artwork for yourself in defence game Bar Defender (which can be played online here) and cute platformer Scared Little Lily. Extropia Games will also soon be releasing noir detective story point and click game which I have had a sneak preview of - looks very promising. Check out the company's blog here.

If you have written or made something that you think is worthy of inclusion in 'Best of the Web', please email us at casualgirlgamer@gmail.com. Make sure it is good!

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Game reviews

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