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Top 20 free-to-play RPG browser games

Top 20 free-to-play RPG browser games

We pulled out all the stops this post. Not five, not ten but 20 amazing games for you to play now.

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Published by Alex Kearns on 17th January 2010

I hope you are not planning to go out in the next few days, because I have a real casual gaming treat for you here: 20 of the best free-to-play RPGs on the web - all hand-picked by yours truly. I should point out here that I have excluded all MMORPG games from this list. So if you are wondering why your favourite browser MMORPG - featuring better graphics than anthing on this list, multi-player action, huge persistent worlds, etc - is not on this list, that is why. Anyway, to the list:


Would you like a free action adventure RPG with graphics that would not look out of place on a console, a story line fit for a novel and Zelda-esque game play that will keep you hooked for hours. Oh, and that's before we even get to the lavishly designed environments, beautiful animations and a great cast of characters. Of course, you would. Welcome to Funnaut's new RPG adventure game Arcuz. Play Arcuz here.

2Monster's Den

Had you asked me when I started compiling this list which game I would likely put at the top, I would have said Monster's Den. Since its launch a couple of years ago, Monster's Den has become one of the most revered Flash RPGs. It is easy to see why. The game presses all the right RPG buttons: a whole host of weapons, party-based game-play, a good variety of enemies and tons and tons of dungeons. Play Monster's Den here.

3Hero's Arms

This game is a gem. Clearly designed as a tribute to the early Zelda games, Hero's Arms is one of the most accessible Flash RPGs out there. Explore the beautiful forests of this mythical game world, fighting enemies, solving quests, emptying dungeons and levelling up as you go. Fantastic fun. Play Hero's Arms here.


Sonny and its successor - the imaginatively named Sonny 2 - are among the highest rated Flash games of all time. They are arguably the best examples of the battle-based RPG where you don't do any exploring but simply progress through a series of battles, levelling up and gaining new equipment along the way. Play Sonny here. The sequel can be play here.

5Dragon Age Journeys

Based on Bioware's 2009 blockbuster Dragon's Age: Origin, Dragon Age Journeys is undoubtedly one of the best looking Flash RPGs out there. It is also blessed with a deep story-line (as you would expect from Bioware), highly customizable heros and a whole host of cool skill progressions. Might have made the top of the list but no support for keyboard controls. Why? Play Dragon Age Journeys here.


Caravaneer is a rare blend of RPG and trading game (think Elite set in a fantasy setting rather than outer space). Surprisingly, this fusion works really well. Caravaneer is innovative, clever and highly addictive. Recommended. Play Caravaneer here.

7Dutamassa Battle

This is a very slickly-made card-based RPG game where you battle against enemies of steadily increasing strength before you face the ultimate test. You fight the battles using a variety of creatures. Creatures gain experience and level up from battling. Plus, as you progress in the game, you gain Turanggamasa level, allowing you to deploy more powerful monsters against your enemies. Play Dutamassa Battle here.

8Mystic Circle

The plot is straight out of RPG folklore. You have to find seven pieces of a broken magic mirror hidden somewhere on a mystic island. Nothing innovative there but the cool 3D-esque graphics, beautifully designed and animated characters and generally high production values set this well above your average Flash RPG. Play Mystic Circle here.

9Hands of War

Build up your reputation and join one of several factions in the game. Then, decide to take the path of good or evil as you explore and battle your way through the game world. Complete quests to gain rare magical equipment. Slickly produced, this is a great classic-style RPG. Play Hands of war here.


It is said in RPG circles that Mardek is a game that you either love or hate. If you prefer dungeon grinds and minimal story line from your RPGs, then you will probably hate Mardek. Conversely, if you love to see the story develop via conversations between the game's characters, then Mardek may be perfect for you. Play Mardek here.

11Yan Loong Legend

This martial arts style RPG side-scroller is unique in this list in that it has a two-player mode. But don't fret if you can't find anyone to play it with. It is just as good as a one-player game. Unlike many RPGs, the focus is on fighting rather than exploration - learning knew fighting combos is the key to success. Play Yan Loong Legend here. Play the sequel here.

12Talesworth Arena

Rather than playing one of the standard warrior, mage, ranger triplet, in this game you choose between being an engineer, psionic and juggernaut. But in all other respects, Talesworth Arena is a pretty standard RPG game, although - it should be said - a very well produced one. Train up your character and fight in the steadily harder arena battles. Play Talesworth Arena here.

13King's Island

Featuring a likable hero, an interesting story-line, multiple skill progressions and some of the best graphics of the games on this list, the Kings Island RPG games could have been great. But they are let down by their controls: you can only use your mouse, which annoys this fan of keyboards. Nevertheless, an above average RPG and definitely worth playing. Play King's Island here. Play King's Island 2 here.

14World of Pain

Your task is to stop war destroying your home land in this nicely-made game. World of Pain is not particularly innovative but it features a large game world, a good variety of enemies and monsters and cute graphics. Play World of Pain here.

15Fellowship of Kings

I love this game. It is not flashy in the slightest, featuring graphics that would have looked outdated a decade ago, but what it lacks in style, it more than makes up in substance. In short, an old style RPG with no bells and whistle but simply great fun. Play Fellowship of Kings here.


It might be stretching it a bit to describe this puzzle game as an RPG. But it does boast many classic RPG features - such as levelling, skills progression and equipment shops - so I think I can be justified including it. Plus, it is a very good game. Try it if you want something a tad more intelligent than your standard dungeon grind fare. Play Knightfall here.

17Squares and Blade

This tactical RPG game is not for everyone. For a start, it is quite taxing on the brain. But put the effort in to learn how it works and you are rewarded with some great tactical RPG game play. The game features nice graphics and cool music. A must for those who like their RPGs to be more intellectually challenging than the average. Play Squares and Blade here.

18Chronicles of Avael

A lot of thought and effort has clearly been put into this game - and it is for that reason alone that I am including the game here. However, the game is seriously let down by a poor interface, fiddly movement controls (again, no keyboard support) and probably the most annoying background music I have ever heard. But if you can look beyond this, there is a good game hidden somewhere here. Play Chronicles of Avael - the Chimera Stones here.

19Shadowreign RPG

Battle against the hordes of Shadow on your quest to save your kingdom from darkness. Customize your character through four skill trees, each with their own unique abilities and play styles. Similar to Hands of War. Play Shadowreign RPG here.


Play the part of a young orc trying to escape the evil slavers. Peon is a side-scrolling RPG fighting game similar to Yan Loong Legend (see above) but not as good. Still worth playing, however. Play Peon here.

If there are any great browser RPGs I have left out of this list, or you would order the list differently, please tell all in the comments section below.


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Published by zXzNightmarezXz on 5th July 2014
This list sucks. Where is Darkensang, CoS, Arcane Legends, Chrono Blade, Chrono Tales etc?
Published by Matt on 23rd May 2014
I recommend http://mattiesgames.com/gorgoth/ as a cool little dungeon crawler that I designed and wrote a few months ago...
Published by anawneemus on 17th May 2014
Where's Stick RPG/Stick RPG 2?
Published by anon on 12th January 2014
This list was quite outdated even prior to the date of publication.
Published by Annonymous on 4th January 2014
Dutamassa Battle was just...so dumb it was awesome for a good portion of an hour. Anyway...for a quick laugh play that.
Published by Annonymous on 2nd January 2014
i think legend of the void 2 deserves a plase in this list somewhere in the top 5
Published by TheGreatSemaj on 3rd December 2013
These are flash games, not browsers games.
Published by SonOfAnRPG on 18th November 2013
These 20 games are pretty awesome but this definitely needs an update/redo. So many great games have come out since the beginning of 2010. Still, great list and thank you for sifting through the games for the rest of us. If you are interested in a site that is all about the RPG's, please visit http://rpjesus.com.
Published by Gyro on 26th October 2013
I recommend bit dungeon, hack slash crawl, monsters' den chronicles and book of dread, the enchanted cave great for scratching a dungeon crawl/rpg itch if you have a few hours to kill for each.
Published by SatanicFateXx on 2nd October 2013
Murloc Stranglethorn Fever!
Published by HeavyModd on 17th August 2013
You should really, REALLY check out Matt Likes Swords on Newgrounds. He has made many awesome games and my favourite series is Epic Battle Fantasy series. The first game is pretty crappy but EBF2-4 are really worth checking out.
Published by Annonymous on 14th August 2013
realm of the mad god should be on this list!
Published by Stefan on 17th June 2013
Here is a newly started crime sim/rpg. It looks very promising, I signed up yesterday and really like it. http://www.crimecity-mafia.com/home.php?PID=12
Published by woliw on 5th June 2013
Call of gods is a free MMORPG browser based game and lekool is launching a new server now. Server 7 Fortuna. its brand new and Launched officially on 29th May 2013 with so many online players from all over the world. Call of god is based for strategy and you can choose 3 different races which are , Human, Elves and Undeads and you can start building your army and start fighting with your friends and against other online people. Which is fun because you will run your dungeons and you will fight bosses with your friends but also you will be able to challenge them and test your skills and check how strong you are against other online palyers. It has great cross server and Arena battles which you can fight with players in arena and fight with people from other server with Cross server. It also has amazing Alliance System which will bring you more fun as you will have your alliance friends and will fight against other alliances to take cities from them. There are so many equips and equip combinations which will make you test your skills and how to beat other bosses with your formations and also you can check how strong you are while you are fighting against other online people. And lekool has many events which brings you in-game prizes and you will enjoy with lekool family and with their every week events and you will forget how time passing while you are playing this amazing game. Game Link: http://cog.lekool.com Facebook Fanpage Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/417106001644494/ Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjtQpWymQGM
Published by wilson on 16th April 2013
CARAVANEER is awesome :D i love it.
Published by criticalme on 29th March 2013
seriously???none of these games r even close enough to the sims...
Published by random on 12th February 2013
Mardek is awesome! If you are a fan of FFII, be sure to give it a try.
Published by Steve on 11th February 2013
Don't know why Sinjid isn't on here, best free-to-play online rpg I have ever played! http://armorgames.com/play/316/sinjid-shadow-of-the-warrior
Published by DonP on 12th January 2013
Is there any reason I should value the opinion of all these commenters who failed to read the very first paragraph? :P
Published by Mike on 6th January 2013
If you like text based browser games I would try Lyrania. It has a decent sized player base and active admins who are continually updating the game. You can fight mobs, join a guild, build a house, and much more. The game is free to play, you can check it out here http://lyrania.co.uk/?r=1811
Published by Zaxynn on 6th January 2013
Sorry but I had to laugh when I seen others post about Dragon Fable or worse yet AQW (Adventure Quest Worlds) AQW has more bugs than a forest. Hands down one of the worse games I've ever had the misfortune of playing
Published by michael on 6th January 2013
is it just me or are most of the people on casual girl gamer guys?
Published by FAIL LIST on 27th December 2012
Published by bobby on 23rd December 2012
good list, eRepublick is really good, it has a good social/economic/military/political mix http://www.erepublik.com/en/referrer/Bobby+Canell
Published by Chris on 15th December 2012
Just thought I'd drop you a link to a little known RPG game that is free and one of the very best ones I've found yet. It's called "Cohorts of Kargonar". And the link: http://www.ck-game.com/index.php?s=media The developers haven't done any marketing for the game yet which is why so few people have been able to find and play it.
Published by bbiahd on 3rd September 2012
doesn't help cause i don't like any of these :D
Published by Arukas on 29th July 2012
Cohorts of Kargonar is missing there :) It's a free browser rpg as well, it's on www.ck-game.com It's a bit challenging at first, you need to think, but it's real fun afterwards. Thanks for the list though
Published by Gabe on 13th June 2012
My stepdad is crazy about War Of Troy,but I haven't tried it yet.
Published by Gabe on 13th June 2012
Arcuz Desurves #1.Smart choice.
Published by Gabe on 13th June 2012
Where is dragon fable?It goes in the top5.
Published by Starman385 on 13th June 2012
According to the MMOHUT games list. Runescape is one of the best yet on free-to-play browser games. There are a few premium features, but there is a free membership trial for 2 weeks. You will like this game!
Published by Crono on 1st June 2012
Huh.. At all, DragonFable is not MMORPG, so I failed now ^^ Sorry then, for being so... serious. ;)
Published by Crono on 1st June 2012
Lol, you are so idiots commenting there. This is list of RPG games, not MMORPG, so stop writing that you want here DragonFable, Runescape etc. because it makes no sense.
Published by Prince on 28th May 2012
Arcuz is the best freaking game on the list!!!!!!!!!
Published by bob on 27th May 2012
you should add feudalism
Published by pan on 24th May 2012
dragon fable and mechquest r the best
Published by Ansem on 18th May 2012
Where's Dragonfable, Mechquest, and AQWorlds?
Published by Maria on 8th May 2012
Published by Renos on 13th April 2012
Hey!!! Where's swords and sandals 2?!?!
Published by Ravagar on 4th April 2012
Cohorts of Kargonar! It's in Closed Beta until the end of the month though. But this game is simply BAM! I've enjoyed Sonny too :) Amusing, but very short.
Published by Steve on 4th April 2012
How about Adventure Quest and Dragon Quest? Free to play (can get upgrades by pay) and excellent graphics, massive customization, tons of weapons and armor, even a wide variety of rare classes... and it they have a sense of humor to boot. While technically, Adventure Quest Worlds is an MMO, the original Adventure Quest is not, nor is Dragon Quest. Definitely worth a try.
Published by Zacthebunnyhero on 17th March 2012
Epic Battle Fantasy 3. Definitely as good as the number one on this list, in my opinion it's actually better. And it fits the criteria, it's a legit one player online rpg lol.
Published by jee on 5th March 2012
Published by thisisgay on 28th February 2012
were is freakin dragon fable and/or adventurequest??
Published by kiku on 15th February 2012
wow... those are the worst browser games i have ever seen -.-
Published by cj on 14th January 2012
might not be my top 20, as there are many games listed. I haven't updated the site in a good while, but there is a WIDE variety of games. All are still in play. text, graphic, browser, and download.. all free to play. so check out the site and hope you find something you like.
Published by Anthony on 10th January 2012
http://e-sim.org/lan.4516/ E-Sim - free, massive, multiplayer, social browser game E-Sim is a simulation of modern world. You can become a virtual citizen of one of 38 virtual countries and participate in it's political, military and economical life. Your citizen can become an ordinary soldier, company owner or run for presidential seat and become the leader of the whole country! You can focus on your own career or help your country in wars and battles. You can organize your own private army or invest in your business - it's all your choice! Register here: http://e-sim.org/lan.4516/
Published by Christan on 15th December 2011
why so sirous
Published by lars on 29th November 2011
wohooo world of pain and fellowship of kings reminds me on the early zelda titles :D ... the graphics are so cute & oldskool! i luv them ... thanks for it
Published by Nash Steelfist on 26th November 2011
The list is flawed as it does not contain: PARDUS
Published by Silvia on 19th November 2011
there is this browser game mytholia, where is an amazone tribe, very nice strategy game , url is www.mytholia.com
Published by Falco on 8th November 2011
heee its a cool game greetz falco and reffen
Published by Riley Barnett on 1st October 2011
Check out The Last Stand: Union City for a fun RPG/Shooter that features exceptional graphics, keyboard controls, and tons of differant weapons and items. Storyline does get slightly repetitive and so does combat, so swich how you fight the hordes of undead regularly.
Published by Cordereko on 18th September 2011
I know a game they need on here. Illusion of Gaia, I loved that game and i'd do anything to play it again.
Published by Brygga on 30th August 2011
Check out this RPG/SIM: http://www.thornsofwar.com Similar in the good ways to a MUD (complex game system) but semi-graphical and browser-based.
Published by Florian on 10th August 2011
I think Dragon Age Journeys is the best Game in the List!
Published by Rebecca on 7th August 2011
Number 14 was clearly made using RPG Maker VX, or something similar.
Published by A Suggestion on 6th August 2011
Epic Battle Fantasy 3 is a very good Flash RPG game that should definitely make the list. Here's the link: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/548041
Published by Riftstalker on 4th August 2011
I liked Hero's Arms, it has that retro feel, thanks to the graphics engine I guess. I got killed on screen 3 which reminded me how much I suck at old-school RPGs.
Published by Guardian on 3rd August 2011
Dragon Age Journeys has excellent combat that I like, unfortunately, it gets repetitive quickly.
Published by Ana on 18th July 2011
@alex Runescape sucks too much to be on here. Anyway, I found some of these fun. Though I am not in the mood much lately for games. I did give Dragon Age Journeys a try, and it was fun, so if you're interested in Medieval settings, I suggest that game for you.
Published by Leo Khan on 18th July 2011
Love the Sonny series, Sinjid also from the same person, Krin, deserves a shout-out too. I tried "Talesworth Arena" and I got hooked it, the enemies had some nasty skills that were really out there. They had skills actually affected the menu of skills...something I've never seen before(its kind of hard to describe unless you've played it before). Like they'd jumble the order of your skills, shuffle them around, have them float around moving randomly. In that was it was very different from any rpg I've ever played. The battles get down-right brutal even without them.
Published by wtf on 7th July 2011
hahaha how do u even know who zezima if you don't play it yourself? i guess your a veteran player huh?
Published by lolol on 12th June 2011
@alex hmm idk where runescape is.. maybe in the top 100?
Published by Likeaboss on 12th June 2011
Its completely unbelievable.. Runescape is the WORST game EVER. let me guess.. u admire zezima, hes ur hero.
Published by Raphael on 12th June 2011
Runescape sucks.. I used to like it when i was 10. It's filled with abnoxious kids who are always picking fights with people
Published by Browser MMORPG on 8th June 2011
Nice list, though I think missing one good game ;)
Published by ... on 1st June 2011
wth is there no Everybody Edits? or Runescape, or AQ(W) or any other battleon games? Even PR1, 2 and 3 are better than those XD!
Published by Julia on 13th May 2011
I play Runescape it should be on here ! This is sssoooooooo out-of-date
Published by milki on 10th May 2011
it did say rpg not mmorpg
Published by biky on 2nd May 2011
where is adventure quest worlds dude?????
Published by alex on 21st March 2011
where is runescape?
Published by Simone on 21st March 2011
Well here's another RPG game that's good, Mabinogi.
Published by Rollo on 16th March 2011
Thanks for sharing. My favorite ist Dragon Age Journeys, a very easy and good game. What do you think about browser games like http://browser-games.com/ ?
Published by Browsergames on 2nd February 2011
May you update your list? It's a little bit outdated. I just went on mmohut and saw really stunning browser games! xo
Published by Jim on 6th December 2010
I wish there will be more puzzle like: Knightfall. It is awesome.
Published by Jim on 6th December 2010
Arcuz is clearly deserve to be number 1. Good choice.
Published by Jack on 6th December 2010
Mardek is just crazy. It is so fun.
Published by Clickit on 6th October 2010
Monster's den: the book of beasts is an increadibly adictive and interestinga oldschool rpg game I highly recomend it
Published by Elden on 22nd August 2010
You forgot NetHack! Wait never mind that game is hardcore not causal. Eh stilll fun to pick up every once and a while.
Published by Casual Girl Gamer on 13th August 2010
@BROWSERSPIEL Glad you liked Fellowship of Kings. Probably my favourite game on the list. Simple graphics but great game-play.
Published by Browserspiel on 10th August 2010
Fellowship of Kings is my absolute favorite. You've got too many good games in this list. How will I be able to play them all?! :D
Published by Casual Girl Gamer on 3rd August 2010
@Canelle Mesira RPG slipped through our radar. It looks like a fun game. Thanks fro the tip
Published by Canelle on 31st July 2010
I really think Mesiria RPG should be the first. (especially Mesiria chp 2) A really well made old-school rpg. It was quite popular! It's not in this list, did you forget about it or you just haven't tried it??
Published by Krasimir Tsonev on 9th May 2010
What you think about http://thebigadventure.svetsoft.com/play-svet-the-big-adventure.
Published by Maxy on 15th February 2010
I mean runescape is kinda popular graphic pwns this ;)
Published by Fiz on 22nd January 2010
Oh, my apologies. This list is for browser based RPGs, not specifically Flash-based. Runescape was probably left off because it isn't a full free-to-play game. It has premium content and that is it's main hitch.
Published by Fiz on 22nd January 2010
@Runslingan - Runescape was made in Java, not Flash. :)
Published by Sharlene on 19th January 2010
Titanium Chef :). http://titaniumchef.ca/
Published by Runslingan on 19th January 2010
How the !? How can you not put RUNESCAPE in the top 5 !? Its way better bigger faster greater then any of these games you posted ? And like 10 of em look the same lol omg plz
Published by TONY on 19th January 2010
Another vote for http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/ This should definitely be on the list!
Published by sutekh on 19th January 2010
Oops, thought the URL would come through in message... Carnage Blender can be found at: www.carnageblender.com.
Published by sutekh on 19th January 2010
Excellent text-based game with no limit on growth (because it is all people-based, no NPCs!). Surprising depth in an easily-learnable package!
Published by Olivander on 19th January 2010
http://www.kingdomofloathing.com is my favorite. Simple graphics and no sound, but a whole lot of funny text and surprisingly deep gameplay.
Published by guy on 18th January 2010
something like HOMM: Crown of Byzantus, http://www.byzantus.com/
Published by guy on 18th January 2010
something like HOMM: Crown of Byzantus, http://www.byzantus.com/
Published by Annonymous on 17th January 2010
Runescape is a free to play MMO[RPG]
Published by Daniel on 17th January 2010
Published by FREE GAMES on 17th January 2010
wow cool rpg games.
Published by david on 17th January 2010
you're site is ridiculously cute!! my girlfriend keeps mousing over you home/arcive/contact/about icons ... she's giggling her arse off at how cute they are. whilst not a conventional rpg, kingdomofloathing.com is a really fun game with an amazing, offbeat style ... matched by a community who just love the game. it's the perfect marriage of rpg and pop culture references. love your site! bookmarked! i'll be back ... david www.davidsmeaton.com

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