Casual Girl Gamer is a blog dedicated to bringing you the best casual games that can be played online for free. We publish regular game reviews, game lists and developer spotlights.

A blog about casual gaming

New Games Round-up

They just don't stop coming. Yet more brand spanking new games to tickle your fancy.

Hooray! Another freshly-baked batch of wonderful casual games for your delectation has arrived! This week, we take in the avenues and jazz clubs of gay Paree, post-invasion Earth, the ruins of empires, decidedly unnerving country houses and, er, some water. We spoil you, we really do. But it's okay, because you're nice.

Anyway, let us dust down the mouse mat, polish up the arrow keys and get ready for some serious, er, causal gaming.

Published by Andy Jowett on 8th December 2010
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Top 10 RPG Games of 2010

We left no cave unexplored, no chest unopened and no corpse un-robbed in our quest to bring you the ten best casual RPG games of the year.

Before we get deluged with hate mail from fans of Runescape, Dragons Age Origins and World of Warcraft, we ought to point out that this is a list of casual RPGs, not multi-million-dollar budget console or PC games or MMORPGs. All the games on our list can be played in your browser for free. None of then require you to sign-up. Nor should any of them take much more than a few hours to complete.

If you are into RPGs with huge persistent worlds, state-of-the-art 3D graphics and months of game-play, then our list might not be for you. On the other hand, if you like your games to be short and sweet, to feature innovative game-play mechanics and above all to be fun, then you are in for a treat. These are what we consider to be the ten best casual RPGs to have been released this year. Fill your boots.

Published by Tasha on 5th December 2010
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Corporation Inc

Armor Games head of development John Cooney has created yet another hit game with Corporation Inc, a business-cum-tower-building sim that proves that work really can be fun... when you're the boss.

If you've always fancied yourself as a bit of a captain of industry type but could never persuade those pesky venture capitalists to part with their wodges of cash to get you going on that million dollar idea, then you are in luck. Equally, if you're yearning to unleash you inner megalomaniacal empire builder, have we got a treat for you!

Armor Games's head of development John Cooney (or jmtb02, as he better known) has come up with the perfect game for you. Corporation Inc lets you indulge both your entrepreneurial go-getter side and your ruthless, slave-driving god of capitalism side.

Published by Andy Jowett on 1st December 2010
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Top 10 underwater games

Dust off your flippers, dig out your wet suit and wipe down your goggles, for we are going to be doing some deep sea diving in this issue's list of games.

Ahoy there, casual gamers. This week, we are heading to the briny deep, the big swell, old Davey Jones's locker, that big, wet thing - the sea.

To be precise, readers, we are taking a big gulp of air, pinching our noses and taking a plunge beneath the waves to a world we know less about than the surface of the moon - and just think, that means there's a chance some of the things we'll see here - drilling, tentacled creatures, psychotic sharks and Olympian dolphins - could all be true and happening under the waves right now.

Published by Andy Jowett on 28th November 2010
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Opinion: Child's play

It's not violent games like GTA4 that we should be worrying about warping our children's minds but all those dead easy casual games that are popping up all over the place.

Blimey, have you seen how rubbish Lego is these days? To make a spaceship you stick the cockpit piece onto the body piece and that's it. You can't go wrong and you can't make anything different.

Rubbish. Lego used to be so good when it had hundreds of bricks and you could make whatever you wanted with them. So why have they changed it? Obviously it sells well now and there was a point where it wasn't, hence the change. So it must be the kids that have changed. Are they stupid now? I find it hard to believe they are too stupid to make things out of Lego. Of course they aren't. I can only think that they just don't enjoy a hard challenge anymore.

Published by Elliot Curtis on 27th November 2010
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Top ten Online Physics Games of 2010

You don't need to be a genius to realise there is something peculiar about our list of the best ten online physics games of the year.

Yes, Einstein, we are fully aware that this top 10 list is a little unusual. The fact that it does not contain ten items is - to say the least - not the norm for such lists. It could indeed be construed as a violation of Advertising Standards. In our defence, we really did try to choose only ten games.

But that was before we discovered just how many physics games were released in 2010. We're talking literally hundreds of games here. Narrowing these down to just ten was going to demand drastic action. So we got drastic. We immediately ruled out all sequels, so games like Crush the Castle 2, Wake the Box 2, Biosics 2, Bloons 2, Fantastic Contraption 2, Fragger Lost City while undoubtedly brilliant were instantly excluded.

Published by Tasha on 25th November 2010
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Another 20 games that make you think about life

Fans of philosophical games rejoice. We have a further 20 thought-provoking games for you to play.

First we gave you five. Then we gave you ten. Now we are giving you 20 games that make you think about life. If you have developed a taste for games of a philosophical nature, then you should be in for a treat - we have some seriously innovative games here, everything from Elude, a game that explores the nature of depression, to Ulitsa Dimitrova, a tale about a street-urchin in Russia.

As with our previous lists, we have focused mainly on free games that you can play in your browser. But we have also thrown in the occasional downloadable game. These are free to play too. Before we get to the actual games, we would like to thank all our readers who suggested titles for this list. You made our job so much easier. And, of course, kudos to the game developers who created these games. Your creativity and craft are immensely appreciated.

Published by Tasha on 20th November 2010
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One eye, one button, one to try. Don't miss probably the best one-button dungeon crawler ever made.

As the lucky readers of this esteemed blog will know by thanks to Tasha's splendid top ten, there's plenty of good gaming fun to be had with just one button. Indeed, as One Button Bob and the baffling yet addictive Poto and Cabenga have demonstrated, there is a mind-boggling array of things you can do with just that single control approach - jump, fly, fight, sprint, squish, climb, tap dance...well, maybe not the last one. Not yet, anyway.

The latest mono-button blockbuster is Glorg - a dungeon crawler like no other, says Swedish game studio Grapefrukt.

Published by Andy Jowett on 18th November 2010
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New game round-up

What connects a sadistic turtle-crushing businessman with a gurgling purple sea monster? Like, we have any idea. But they both feature in out latest round-up of the best new online games.

There's nothing like good old games, except perhaps great new ones. There's a lot of them out there, but here at Casual Girl Gamer, we leave no web-based stone unturned to find the very best titles for you to get your beat-em-up, tower defence and/or RPG groove on.

The latest tip-top batch takes us from the grimy, soul-shredding depths of corporate hell to ethereal temples of light and cold cyberworlds from the not-too-distant future. How about that then? And the best part is they're all free. So let's crack on, shall we?

Published by Andy Jowett on 15th November 2010
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Jake Elliott

You won't find any resource-management or mindless slash and dash games in Jake Elliott's portfolio. What you will find are thought-provoking games that encourage you to ponder on the human experience.

There is often no-one more critical of an artist's work than the artist himself. Some have been known to destroy their creations, having spent months - years in some cases - painstakingly creating them, so infuriated were they by some minor imperfection that only they could see. Game developers - being highly creative people too - can also be somewhat self-judgmental on occasions.

Take Jake Elliott, a Chicago-based game developer who has gained a reputation as a creator of arty, thoughtful games. When he completed an underwater exploration game called I Can Hold My Breath Forever, he was so disappointed with what he had made that he came very close to shelving it. "I honestly didn't think anyone would like it, and I almost didn't release it," he says.

Published by Alex Kearns on 14th November 2010
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Game reviews

  • Lume

    State of Play's new puzzle adventure title Lume might be made out of cardboard cutouts but it is in no way a one-dimensional game.

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  • The Tiny Bang Story

    Beautiful hand-drawn graphics, nicely balanced and creative puzzles and a great sound track, The Tiny Bang Story delivers on all fronts.

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  • Castaway 2

    Robinson Crusoe had it lucky. He was only stranded on a desert island once. Things are not so easy for the hero of RPG adventure game series Castaway.

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  • ClubWorld

    If the idea of running your own nightclub gets you excited, then Tapulous's latest iOS game might have you dancing around with joy.

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  • Insectonator

    If the only good bug is a dead one, then you will be doing one helluva lot of good work in this cheery insect massacring game.

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Popular articles

  • Top 10 Reaction Games

    If 'lightning fast' is an accurate description of your reactions, you may have a chance with these games. Slow coaches might want to check out our top 10 relaxing games instead.

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  • Top 10 Fighting Games

    Unleash your combative alter ego with these ten beat 'em up games that can be played online for free.

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  • Top 10 robot games

    Robots make great characters in games. Don't believe us, then check out these ten great robot games, all of which can be played in your browser for free.

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  • Top 10 Christmas Games

    Get into the festive spirit with our list of the best ten christmas-themed games you can play online.

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  • Top 25 Browser Platformers

    The platform game genre is undergoing a major revival and nowhere is this more evident than in your browser. Platform gaming ecstasy awaits you.

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Developer spotlights

  • Jake Elliott

    You won't find any resource-management or mindless slash and dash games in Jake Elliott's portfolio. What you will find are thought-provoking games that encourage you to ponder on the human experience.

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  • Con Artist Games

    Chris Condon of Con Artist Games has a reputation for developing some of the most polished games on the web. Casual Girl Gamer speaks to him about his gaming philosophy.

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  • Gregory Weir

    By combining great story-telling with imaginative game worlds, Gregory Weir has created some of the most thought-provoking games on the internet.

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  • John Cooney

    Armor Games' head of game development John Cooney - or jmtb02, as he is better known - is one of the most prolific and imaginative game developers around.

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  • Evan Miller

    In ImmorTall, indie developer Evan Miller created one of the most emotionally moving games to grace the internet. We speak to him about his gaming philosophy and plans for the future.

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  • Mateusz Skutnik

    Mateusz Skutnik is a rarity: a gifted artist who is also a skilled coder. He is responsible for some of the most beautiful casual games on the web.

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